Mirjana Mavrak, professor of pedagogy and psychology, has Ph. D in educational sciences (The Quality of Communication among Socialization Factors in Educational work with Healthy and Chronically Ill Children) and works as full professor at University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Education. She is the author and co-author of many publications, three handbooks for professionals in education and adult education (adult education professionals, hospital teachers, medical workers and nurses), monography on personal biography as story about human creativity in science and book on andragogical reception of literature in professional work with humans. She was creator, program-coordinator and educator in many education circles for different professional groups. Since 2014. she started more comprehensive engagement in psychotherapeutic education and psychotherapy with adults. Oriented to children’s well-being, she devoted her professional development to andragogy and work with adults respecting the fact that there is no education without an educated educator.

Prof. Mirjana Mavrak, PhD
Member of the organizational and program committee
- Moderator, Organizing and program committee, Scientific-expert committee, Speaker