Jelena Subašić

Member of the organizational and program committee

She was born in 1982. in Sarajevo. She got a degree of a pedagogue in 2006. on Faculty of Philosophy in University of Eastern Sarajevo, Department of Pedagogy. In 2020. after finishing studies, she is very active in activities and work with children with disabilities in studying, also helping in their inclusion into community. She has worked as a pedagogue, professional expert associate in primary school since 2008. to present day, where she has developed rich experience in work with children, parents and teachers. She finished education in Integrative children’s and adolescence psychotherapy. Since 2019, she has been a member of the professional team, and since 2022. she is the hed of the Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Child, Youth and Family Health Protection Center BHIDAPA. As an integrative children’s and adolescence psychotherapist she works with children, young people and families within a wide range of problems.