Haris Bilalović

Moderator of plenary lectures

Haris Bilalović is one of BHRT highest profile anchors and editors. He obtained degree in psychology at Philosophical faculty at University of Sarajevo and his specific interests lay in psychoanalysis, group analysis and rhetoric. He conducted series of interviews with participants of scientific symposium “Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology in BiH- status and perspectives” (April 2014, Academy of Sciences and Arts of BiH) He is author of two-part TV feature “Psychoanalysis of Love” produced during Summer school of psychoanalysis (September 2019, Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia) Haris is co-author of multiple papers from domain of analytical psychology: “Formation of post-postmodern Subject” “Narration in sand: application of Jungian sand therapy in working with victims of trauma” and “Psychology of liberation and radical imagination”.