Dr. Goran Račetović, MD, Primarius


He was attending Medical Faculty, University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina), graduated at School of Medicine, University of Belgrade (Serbia). Postgraduate exam in Psychiatry passed at Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka (BH). He is Head of the Community Mental Health Center in Health Center Prijedor since 2007. From 2009 has active role in the Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina as one of the Secretaries, especially as the representative in the major international associations (World Psychiatric Association, Council of the European Psychiatric Association National Psychiatric Associations). He is a member of several international associations (EPA, WPA, IAEP, WFSBP, PAEEB). He is Head of the Regional Office Prijedor of Medical Chamber of the Republic of Srpska. He has been awarded by the Medical Chamber (for service organization in 2013 and primary health care in 2020), by the Gender Center of Republic of Srpska (for contribution in prevention and activities in the field of domestic violence) and Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska (for the dedication and contribution to the mental health reform in Republic of Srpska, 2023). He is Chair of the Commission for the Protection of Rights of People with Mental Disorders in Republic of Srpska since 2021. In his institution is coordinator for mental health, domestic violence and continuous medical education programmes. He has active role in mental health reform as expert consultant of Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of Republic of Srpska and Project of Mental Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the fields of preventive, educational and destigmatization programmes for the professionals and service users and users’ organizations. He was active participant on more than 70 international scientific events, member of organizing committees of all scientific events in BH in last more than 10 years, invited lecturer on more than 15 domestic and regional psychiatric conferences. Co-editor of three congress publications, author of chapter for health sector in the Operating Manual for the Protection of the Victims of Domestic Violence in Republic of Srpska, co-author of Manual for Ethical Reporting about Mental Health and first author of Manual for Joint Hospital Discharge in Republic of Srpska. Published several papers as the author or co-author (7 in SCI and SSCI), and more than 50 abstracts in the books of abstracts or supplements of international journals. He speaks local languages and English.