Sanja Radetić Lovrić is a social and forensic psychologist, full professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka. Her scientific and research work is devoted to the study of socio-pathological, violent, criminal and delinquent behaviors. The focus of her professional work is on the application of social psychology in the judiciary, social protection and education. He is the creator and initiator of the application of new functional-pragmatic approaches in the prevention of socially unacceptable behavior of children and young people, and the implementer of more than 30 national projects. She held more than 5,000 hours of professional education and lectures intended for humanistic and social professions. He is the author and co-author of 50 scientific and professional papers, professional books, chapters and monographs. He is a member of several expert commissions for the development of programs and strategic documents. He is a permanent court expert in the field of psychology. She is the president of the Association of Psychologists of the Republic of Srpska.

Prof. Sanja Radetić Lovrić, PhD, social and forensic psychologist
Member of the scientific-expert committee
- Scientific-expert committee, Speaker