Mirela Badurina, PhD

President of the organizational and program committee

Doctor of health sciences, gestalt and integrative psychotherapist specializing in child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy, was born in 1968 in Sarajevo.For the past thirty years, she has focused her professional and academic development on the areas of health and well-being of children and young people. She is an exhibitor at numerous national and international congresses and conferences on the topics of health, rights and interests of children. She is the author and co-author of many scientific and professional papers. She is a World certified psychotherapist and a European certified psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. It is a registry of the European interdisciplinary therapeutic service for children and young people – EIATSCYP. She is the founder and director of the BHIDAPA Association within which there are three centers: European accredited Trainer Institute for in the field of integrative psychotherapy, Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Child, Youth and Family Health Protection Center and a Scientific research center. She is the Chair of the organizing and program committee International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy “THINK ABOUT YOUth” and editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychotherapy in Achieving Health and Well-being for Children and Young People. She is happily married and a mother of two.