Univ.-Prof. Kanita Dervić, MD, PhD

Professor of child and adolescent psychiatry

Univ.-Professor Kanita Dervic, MD, is a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the Medical University of Vienna. She graduated from the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo and concurrently from the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo. Following that, she pursued specialisation in general and child/adolescent psychiatry at the Medical University of Vienna, with further training at Columbia University, New York, USA. She has received numerous national and international awards for her scientific research and clinical work, including recognition from the President of Austria for her contributions to science. Prof. Dervic is the first woman in Austria to achieve the highest academic qualification in the German-speaking region of Europe, Habilitation, in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry in 2007. In the same year, she was appointed as an associate professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the Medical University of Vienna. She is the author of award-winning scientific papers published in leading international journals (e.g., awarded the best scientific paper in 2004 by the European Psychiatric Association [EAP]), serves as an Editorial Board Member for reputable psychiatric journals, and is a invited speaker at numerous international congresses.