Naomi is a play and creative arts therapist, child and adolescent counsellor parent child therapist and clinical supervisor, with a background in early years, primary education, special educational needs and play work. She has worked extensively with children and young people from birth to 18 in the UK and internationally. She coordinates and provides therapeutic provision in inner city primary and secondary schools, where she is responsible for the design, delivery and evaluation of services as clinical lead. She also works in a special school for neurodivergent children who have social, emotional and mental health needs. Naomi has multiple interests and specialisms, including neurodiversity in girls, eating disorders, self-harm, trauma and dissociation and the interplay between mental health, wellbeing, SEND and complex medical conditions within the mainstream school sector. She is passionate about research and leads and teaches on this and other subjects for the Wellbeing Faculty at the Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education, the Sunflower Network and Jigsaw Academy. She manages the weekend volunteer program at Great Ormond Street Hospital, providing play and creative activities to children, young people and their families. Naomi is also the author of 16 therapeutic story books to support children, young people and significant adults to have difficult conversations about complex feelings and issues.

Naomi Moore
- Speaker